2024-05-27 in Events

1st SET_HEAT Project study tour

Two two-day tours with “flying” workshops are important components of the SET_HEAT project. The tours aim to gather practical stakeholders' knowledge and experiences, which will facilitate investment plans focused on decarbonising the district heating systems.

Two two-day tours with “flying” workshops are important components of the SET_HEAT project. The tours aim to gather practical stakeholders' knowledge and experiences, which will facilitate investment plans focused on decarbonising the district heating (DH) systems directly involved in the project (ECO, HEP, TEB and VST).

The first SET_HEAT project study tour took place from 22nd to 23rd May 2024. Representatives of consortium members (20 people) visited selected sites in the Copenhagen area (Denmark) where district heating systems have been successfully retrofitted, including network de-composition, lowering network temperatures, and integration of low-temperature renewable and waste heat sources.

The main goal of the study tour to the Copenhagen area was to learn about energy transition and decarbonisation practices in large district heating systems.

(Read about DH in Copenhagen at: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/144755169/8/ and https://online.flippingbook.com/view/144755169/16/ ). The SET_HEAT team visited the Køge CHP plant (read about Køge DH at

https://dbdh.dk/we-must-make-it-easy-for-customers-to-get-district-heating/), and learned about using the surplus heat at CP Kelco

(read about Kelco case at: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/175583287/15 ). Then at the new headquarters of the VEKS DH company, a seminar was held with Niels Hansen, and the representatives from Albertslund Fjernvarme on how to reduce water temperature in district heating (read about Albertslund Fjernvarme at https://dbdh.dk/when-planning-for-the-future/ ).

The next stop of the study tour was the Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme where a successful shift from gas to RES-based DH took place using long-term heat storage, heat from multiple sources, and heat pumps (learn about watching YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRUbCMHZi-w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLf8NQpWeWA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj99-GJbwSQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1djLQS5Hcuc).

The next visit to ARGO, Roskilde CHP plant, the Energy Tower. Here the SET_HEAT team learned from Niels Kallehauge how ARGO handles the waste that cannot be reused or recycled to produce heat and electricity.

Then at the headquarters of HOFOR Nick Bjørn Andersen, Chefkonsulent Fjernvarme, presented best practices in district heating, including security aspects, resiliency, and flexibility for energy input options (read about HOFOR at: https://dbdh.dk/hofor/ and https://online.flippingbook.com/view/197155318/16/)

The last part consisted of a seminar at the premises of Aalborg University, where together with Lars Gullev, (VEKS) the the SET_HEAT team discussed what customers in the future will expect from their district heating company. Then Jacob Engvang (Frederiksberg Forsyning A/S) presented some real cases from the planning of district heating. Overall, the tour was an inspiring event and significantly contributed to the transfer of knowledge from relevant stakeholders to the SET_HEAT project consortium. 

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2024-04-18 in Events

The 2nd Internal Knowledge Transfer and Training Workshop

A draft vision for energy transition and decarbonisation of the Vilnius district heating system created.

2024-06-16 in Events

Third Knowledge Transfer Workshop

The third SET_HEAT Project Knowledge Transfer Workshop took place in Zagreb, Croatia, from 11 to 13 June 2024.

Co-funded by the European Union

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.